Google Cloud Certification guide

I have a blog will help you choose the certification that is right for you and point you to the right resources to pursue the certification. πŸ˜ƒ Step1 – Let’s find out which certification is right for you? πŸ€” Based on your work experience and prior GCP knowledge choose which certification type is the bestContinue reading “Google Cloud Certification guide”

πŸ’₯Learn Google Cloud for FREE πŸ₯³

Google Cloud’s online learning event Cloud Learn – Google Cloud training – Google Cloud OnBoard – Udemy’s GCP Fundamentals course – Udemy’s Google Cloud Platform Concepts – Coursera GCP fundamentals – Thank you for reading! Don’t forget to share this blog with someone who wants to learn Google cloud.Continue reading “πŸ’₯Learn Google Cloud for FREE πŸ₯³”

Google Cloud certification Bot πŸ€–

Hello world, look what I created πŸ‘‡ Its name is GoogleCloudCertificationGuru and it will answer questions about GCP certifications 😊 Ask it things like – What is your name? Who created your? What is cloud? What is GCP? I want to learn Google cloud? I want to get GCP certification. Take advantage of allContinue reading “Google Cloud certification Bot πŸ€–”

πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸπŸ”₯ Let’s talk about what’s new in cloud computing this week – Oct 2nd 2021

1) Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and others are now Trusted Cloud Principles signatories.The Trusted Cloud Initiative seeks to partner with governments around the world to resolve international conflicts of law that impede innovation, security, and privacy, and to establish and ensure basic protections for organizations that store and process data in the cloud. Through this initiative,Continue reading “πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸπŸ”₯ Let’s talk about what’s new in cloud computing this week – Oct 2nd 2021”

Build a Streaming Data Pipeline on GCP using Mac OS

Hello World! Today I wanted to share my experience on how I set up a Streaming Data pipeline on GCP using my Mac. If you use a Mac and are starting off with GCP, this blog will walk you through the resources you need to create a Dataflow streaming pipeline on GCP. I have mainlyContinue reading “Build a Streaming Data Pipeline on GCP using Mac OS”

Flattening JSON document using Scala in GCP

Usecase I had JSON files of several GBs that contained nested objects. Here is an example – I wanted to flatten the nested JSON so that I could directly use the fields for analysis. This was the expected JSON – Solution Since my file was huge in size, I stored it on Google Cloud StorageContinue reading “Flattening JSON document using Scala in GCP”

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