Google Cloud Certification guide

I have a blog will help you choose the certification that is right for you and point you to the right resources to pursue the certification. 😃 Step1 – Let’s find out which certification is right for you? 🤔 Based on your work experience and prior GCP knowledge choose which certification type is the bestContinue reading “Google Cloud Certification guide”

What is a Mentor? 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫

A Mentor is an experienced individual who has been in your role or has experience working with people in your role.It can be someone in your company, or someone from your professional network. They are 1 or 2 levels above your current level. They can effectively navigate you because they have experience understanding the challengesContinue reading “What is a Mentor? 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫”

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